Spectre: Curated by Gilda Ghinoiu

16 - 25 September 2022
Autumn, the artisan of silver mists, inspired us. We collected intricate lines and ghostly spots for Spectre, a group show about nostalgia, anxiety, journeys through the world, but above all, about detachment. The word "spectre" carries a range of meanings, some simple, others exuberant or bizarre. Touched by light, physical eyes, accomplices of the human mind and creative hands, transpose colored geographies of states, colors, and shapes onto external surfaces.

SPECTRUM, spectrum, n. 1. The set of physical values that a given quantity can take under specific conditions; the ensemble of images obtained by decomposing complex electromagnetic radiation with an optical instrument; the totality of fluid lines in motion, the field lines of a magnet; the totality of electromagnetic radiations of a celestial body, arranged according to their wavelength or frequency. 2. Phantom, ghost. ♦ Fig. An uncertain form that produces concern, fear, imminent danger. – From French spectre, German Spektrum.

The word "spectrum" carries with it a range of meanings, some simple, others exuberant or bizarre. Touched by light, the physical eyes, accomplices of the human mind and skilled hands, transpose onto external surfaces colorful geographies of states of colors and forms - fluid, dense, firm, moving, clear, or diffuse.

These uncertain maps of the sensible are carefully articulated and generously offered to us, the viewers, by the young visual artists of the Cluj School. The group exhibition Spectre proposes a selection of works signed by: Tania Șimonca, Adrian Buda, Costel Chițimuș, Călin Dumitrașcu, Hengeli Arthúr-Roland and Maximilian Pintea.